About Me

Howdy, here you can read a bit more about me:
I am Tamara de la Clark, a german writer, artist and apparently now also a blogger? Currently I am still studying, but I aim to become a game writer or developer, maybe even partially partaking in the art aspect of a game.
I also am working on a comic as well as a book.
If you are interested in my writings you can search through my blog or visit my portfolio (also on this blog).

Now some fun facts about me:
I have two lovely cats named Ori and Percy, they are very cute and fluffy and I love them very much.
Writing is something that I have done as long as I can think of, it is just very much a part of me.
I am a huge dnd/pnp nerd (playing, DMing and podcast’s), you may have already guessed that if you read about my comic Mirage, my main character is a gnome druid named Glim, he is an edgy teenager with a lot of issues.
Recently I picked up another main character, he is called Lazarus and is an aasimar rogue, also very fun, but still very new. If you would ask me about my favourite setting I would say eberron without even thinking, it is just so good.
Yeah, I think that’s it, maybe I update this sometime later or something, depends if anyone is interested in me :P
Write you later.
